Resource Efficiency
Water Resource Management
Given the nature of the industry, LG Display inevitably consumes a significant amount of water in various processes, including cleaning. To secure stable water resources, the company proactively analyzes its entire water usage process. It conducts an annual review to determine if the workplace is situated in a water-stressed or water-risk area and establishes risk assessment and response strategies related to water resources. Furthermore, to optimize water resource efficiency, the company strives to reduce water consumption and to treat and reuse wastewater generated during production.
Waste Mangement
LG Display is committed to minimizing its negative environmental impact through systematic waste disposal and management in its business activities. As a result, the company reduces waste at the source and enhances the manufacturing process, from product design and manufacturing to the treatment stage of its products. Furthermore, to boost the recycling rate of waste, the company is actively engaged in activities such as recognizing circular resources, securing patents for waste recycling technologies, and identifying relevant recycling technologies and partnering with companies in this field. In 2023, LG Display overachieved its waste generation target of 221,087 tons by 114%, reaching 194,753 tons and recorded 99.5% in recycling waste in 2023 based on local business sites. These accomplishments were the result of efforts to reduce waste generation, including initiatives such as expanding product packaging reuse, recognizing circular resources, and utilizing renewable raw materials. LG Display aims to achieve a 100% recycling rate under zero landfill waste certification by 2030 through a range of initiatives and activities.