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Commitment to Human Rights

Based on our management philosophy, the centerpiece of which is respecting and promoting human rights,
we declare that LG Display will continue to set our managerial focus on respecting the rights of all parties involved, including our employees, clients, suppliers, and the local communities to which we belong.
In order to assure that the principles of human rights reach and affect every inch of our business, as a willing participant of the global community of businesses that care, LG Display will comply with international standards in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, as well as any applicable laws on labor relations, which include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD Guidelines), and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
In order to effectively curtail even the slightest possibility of potential violation of fundamental rights in the workplace, we have divided our endeavors into the following ten categories: i) Anti-discrimination, ii) Elimination of Hostile Work Environment, iii) Pay and Benefits, iv) Observance of Legally Mandated Work Hours, v) Prohibition of Forced Labor, vi) Prohibition of Child Labor, vii) Guarantee of Fundamental Labor Rights, viii) Protection of Personal Information, ix) Health and Safety, and x) Promotion of Human Rights in the Supply Chain.
LG Display will continue to do its utmost to ensure that its human rights policies are implemented at domestic and overseas business sites, as well as in its dealings with all the stakeholders involved, including customers and suppliers, and will take the lead in further strengthening and spreading the culture of respect for human rights in the communities in which we operate.


  • Anti-discrimination
    We promote diversity and inclusion and prohibit unfair discrimination against any employee or applicant.
  • Elimination of Hostile Work Environment
    We do our utmost to prevent sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace and keep in place a system for protection of victims.
  • Pay and Benefits
    We abide by the statutory requirements for employee remuneration and operate a fair and reasonable compensation system.
  • Observance of Legally Mandated Work Hours
    We abide by the statutory requirements for work hours, break time, and holidays.
  • Prohibition of Forced Labor
    We prohibit any and all forms of forced labor and offer fair and transparent employment contracts.
  • Prohibition of Child Labor
    We scrupulously observe the minimum age for employment and comply with statutory restrictions when employing younger workers(e.g. minors who can be employed but cannot work longer than a set number of hours).
  • Guarantee of Fundamental Labor Rights
    We guarantee our employees’ freedom of association and their right to collective bargaining.
  • Protection of Personal Information
    We establish and maintain a procedure by which we handle personal information in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Health and Safety
    We establish and maintain a system for prevention of occupational health and safety issues in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Promotion of Human Rights in the Supply Chain
    We support our suppliers’ efforts to commit to promotion of fundamental rights and to prevention of potential human rights violation.

Human Rights Impact Assessment

We establish and implement a process for human rights impact assessment to prevent potential violation of human rights. To this end, we identify and assess any potential adverse human rights impacts on all stakeholders, including employees, women, children, suppliers, third-party contract employees, and local communities.
  1. Human rights due diligence
    • Conduct human rights due diligence using the assessment checklists
    • Identify adverse human rights impacts
  2. Impact assessment
    • Analyze actual and potential human rights risks
    • Develop short-term and mid to long-term improvement objectives
  3. Implementation Monitoring
    Implemen-tation Monitoring
    • Assess the effectiveness of improvement measures
    • Report the results to Human Rights Commitment Subcommittee

Remedial Process for Human Rights Violation

We establish and implement a remedial process for potential instances of human rights violation.
  1. Receiving reports
    • Operate multiple reporting channels
      (On/Off Line)
  2. Fact-finding
    • Check the report
    • Practice fact-checking and investigation
  3. Deliberation & decision
    by Remedy Committee
    • Deliberate and provide remedies in accordance with applicable laws and company policy
  4. Monitoring
    • Assess the effectiveness of the remedies rendered
    • Report the results to Human Rights Commitment Subcommittee